
Saturday, February 27, 2016

Hammer and Chisel Journey - Day 41: Chisel Balance

Day 41 - Chisel Balance

Please see Hammer and Chisel - Day 1 for a full description of today's workout by Autumn Calabrese.  

Let me just say that this particular workout is probably my least favorite of all of the workouts in this entire program.  I was really feeling VERY unmotivated to get this done today!! However, somehow... some way, I made myself do it! I feel better now that it is behind me and I am so glad that I did not let my lazy alter ego take over today!  If I can do it, you can too! GET IT DONE!!

This picture describes exactly how I felt today!! Sometimes you really have to DIG DEEP to find the motivation to keep going.... it was definitely one of those days for me!

See you tomorrow for Hammer and Chisel - Day 42! Hopefully, I will be feeling more motivated tomorrow! :)

Hammer and Chisel Journey - Day 21: ISO Strength Chisel

Day 21 - ISO Strength Chisel

Some notes – All moves are 10 reps, followed by a 10 second isometric (ISO) hold.  AND you repeat everything twice.... so a total of three sets for every move!  This becomes VERY challenging!  She does allow for time to stretch before she moves on to the next move.

Sumo Squat – Toes pointed out. Use weights and keep your back straight. Down & up 10 times, then HOLD! Repeat twice. I used 15 pound dumbbells.
Push Up – Simple move, hard to do! :) 10 pushups, followed by holding for 10 seconds in the down position. Repeat twice.  I had to do each hold on my knees for all three sets.  By the third set, I could not even do the 10 push ups on my feet, had to go down to my knees!  This is an improvement from Day 21 in which I performed all of it on my knees!

Split Squat – One foot on the bench and you drop down 10 times on each side, followed by an isometric hold.  Repeat twice.  This one REALLY burns by the time that you are done! I used 15 pound dumbbells.  

Pull Up – Again, simple move, but hard to do! 10 Pull ups, followed by a HOLD at the top for 10 seconds. Repeat twice. I used a resistance band attached to the door. My husband uses the pull up bar.

Step Up Side Hold – In this move, you step up onto the bench with one foot 10 times from the SIDE. Then, you HOLD for 10 seconds with your leg in front of you. Repeat twice.  Autumn really likes to keep hammering on those legs!! This one really BURNS! I am holding a 10 pound dumbbell.

One Arm Row – Straightforward, a one arm row with weights. The isometric HOLD is at the top for 10 seconds. Repeat twice. I used an 8 pound dumbbell.

Sit up C- Curve – Situps with a light weight held at your chest. Make sure you keep your chest up. The isometric hold is for 10 seconds in the down position. Repeat twice. I used a 10 pound dumbbell.

Lateral Raise – Light weights for this one! A lateral raise with an isometric hold at the top of the move. Repeat twice. Shoulders really feel the burn! I used 3 pound weights.

ISO Strength Chisel Review: 

This is a really TOUGH workout.  Even my husband thinks that this one is really tough! The isometric hold is what really makes this difficult. These ISO moves really work!! I felt the burn long after the workout (and this one always makes me pretty sore!) Although drinking Recovery Formula really helps with this!  Before Hammer and Chisel, I have never really been one to use this supplement... but I am definitely a believer in this product with this program!!

Hammer and Chisel Journey - Day 45: ISO Strength Chisel

Day 45 - ISO Strength Chisel

Some notes – All moves are 10 reps, followed by a 10 second isometric (ISO) hold.  AND you repeat everything twice.... so a total of three sets for every move!  This becomes VERY challenging!  She does allow for time to stretch before she moves on to the next move.

Sumo Squat – Toes pointed out. Use weights and keep your back straight. Down & up 10 times, then HOLD! Repeat twice. I used 25 pound dumbbells.
Push Up – Simple move, hard to do! :) 10 pushups, followed by holding for 10 seconds in the down position. Repeat twice.  I had to do each hold on my knees for all three sets.  By the third set, I could not even do the 10 push ups on my feet, had to go down to my knees!  This is an improvement from Day 21 in which I performed all of it on my knees!

Split Squat – One foot on the bench and you drop down 10 times on each side, followed by an isometric hold.  Repeat twice.  This one REALLY burns by the time that you are done! I used 25 pound dumbbells.  

Pull Up – Again, simple move, but hard to do! 10 Pull ups, followed by a HOLD at the top for 10 seconds. Repeat twice. I used a resistance band attached to the door. My husband uses the pull up bar.

Step Up Side Hold – In this move, you step up onto the bench with one foot 10 times from the SIDE. Then, you HOLD for 10 seconds with your leg in front of you. Repeat twice.  Autumn really likes to keep hammering on those legs!! This one really BURNS! I am holding a 10 pound dumbbell.

One Arm Row – Straightforward, a one arm row with weights. The isometric HOLD is at the top for 10 seconds. Repeat twice. I used a 10 pound dumbbell.

Sit up C- Curve – Situps with a light weight held at your chest. Make sure you keep your chest up. The isometric hold is for 10 seconds in the down position. Repeat twice. I used a 10 pound dumbbell.
Lateral Raise – Light weights for this one! A lateral raise with an isometric hold at the top of the move. Repeat twice. Shoulders really feel the burn! I used 5 pound weights with this move and was really challenged with this amount of weight!

ISO Strength Chisel Review: 

The isometric hold is what really makes this difficult. These ISO moves really work. I felt them in my muscles for the next 36 hours after completing the workout.  By far, the hardest move for me on this set was split squat. The outside of my booty was BURNING. I love being able to tell very quickly during these workouts which muscles I rarely use.

See you tomorrow for Hammer and Chisel - Day 22!

Hammer and Chisel Journey - Day 23: Max Hammer Strength

Day 23 - Max Hammer Strength

This workout is almost 40 minutes in length and includes your warm-up and cool-down.  Modifications are provided.

The workout is set up as follows: One body-weight movement is done for 60 seconds and then you do a similar weighted move that targets the same muscle group for 8 reps.  He tells you to lift HEAVY for the 8 reps in an effort to fatigue the muscle.

The moves are as follows:   (body-weight – 60 secs/weighted – 8 reps)
Reverse Lunge/Weighted Reverse Lunge (left then right)
Push-ups/Chest Press (on ball or bench or floor even)
Body-weight squats/shoulder squats (dumbbells on shoulders)
Pull-up/Lat pullover (one dumbbell)
Good mornings/dead-lifts
Chin-ups/ one arm row (Right/Left)
Low sumo squat/weighted sumo (1 dumbbell)
Band military press/seated military press
Bulgarian split squat/single leg step up  (Right then Left after completing both moves)
Ledge calf raises on edge of bench or step/seated calf raise (with dumbbells on thighs)

Max Hammer Strength  Review and Thoughts:

I loved this workout and really enjoyed combining the 60 seconds of body-weight work with  the heavy weighted reps!  I loved that I could go super heavy because the reps were lower and you were only doing one set with the dumbbells even though you were fatiguing them first.  I feel like the cool downs could be a bit longer, but I just stretch a bit more at the end on my own.

Sagi is funny and offers his usual strong motivation and great sense of humor. In addition, he gives form pointers and technique suggestions.

Hammer and Chisel Journey - Day 42: Max Hammer Strength

Day 42 - Max Hammer Strength

This workout is almost 40 minutes in length and includes your warm-up and cool-down.  Modifications are provided.

The workout is set up as follows: One body-weight movement is done for 60 seconds and then you do a similar weighted move that targets the same muscle group for 8 reps.  He tells you to lift HEAVY for the 8 reps in an effort to fatigue the muscle.

The moves are as follows:   (body weight –> 60 secs and weighted –> 8 reps)

Reverse Lunge/Weighted Reverse Lunge (left then right) I used 25 pound dumbbells.
Push-ups/Chest Press (on ball or bench or floor even) I used 25 pound dumbbells.
Body-weight squats/shoulder squats (dumbbells on shoulders) I used 25 pound dumbbells.
Pull-up/Lat pullover (one dumbbell) I used one 25 pound dumbbell.
Good mornings/dead-lifts
Chin-ups/ one arm row (Right/Left) I used a 15 pound dumbbell.
Low sumo squat/weighted sumo (1 dumbbell) I used 25 pound dumbbells.
Band military press/seated military press I used 10 pound dumbbells.
Bulgarian split squat/single leg step up  (Right then left after completing both moves) The single leg step up is REALLY hard by this point! I used a 10 pound dumbbell.
Ledge calf raises on edge of bench or step/seated calf raise (with dumbbells on thighs) I used 25 pound dumbbells.

Max Hammer Strength  Review and Thoughts:

I loved this workout and really enjoyed combining the 60 seconds of body-weight work with the heavy weighted reps!  I loved that I could go super heavy because the reps were lower and you were only doing one set with the dumbbells even though you were fatiguing them first.  I feel like the cool downs could be a bit longer, but I just stretch a bit more at the end on my own.

Sagi is funny and offers his usual strong motivation and great sense of humor. In addition, he gives form pointers and technique suggestions.

Hammer and Chisel Journey - Day 44: ISO Speed Hammer

Day 44 - ISO Speed Hammer

Please see my previous blog post Hammer and Chisel - Day 5 for a full description of this workout.

Some notes – This is a really unique workout in which you hold a move isometrically, but each move is turned into a three-step motion. For example, with pushups you go down in three distinct “hops or levels”.  You do that for 10 reps, and then the next 10 are FAST (hence the SPEED part of the name!)

Push Up –  Straightforward – 10 slow push ups, followed immediately by 10 fast ones!

Static Lunge – With weights – lunge position. Down for 3 then up.. followed by 10 fast reps. I used 25 pound dumbbells for this (this is an improvement from 15 pound dumbbells.)

Chin Ups – Reverse grip chin-ups – 10 slow followed by 10 fast. I am still using the resistance band attached to the door for these even by day 44!

Deadlift – With weights – you go down in three motions, then up.. followed by 10 fast reps.  I used 25 pound dumbbells for this.  This is an improvement from 12 pound dumbbells.

Side Lateral Raise – Standard lateral raises... use lighter weights. I used 8 pound dumbbells and had to drop to 5 pounds mid-set.

Sumo Squat – Your feet go further than hip-width apart with your toes pointed out. Hold a weight with both hands at the center of your body and squat down in three motions, and back up.... followed by 10 fast reps. I used one 25 dumbbell for this.

Rear Delt Cross Fly –  Hold the band in both hands and stand on top of it on the floor. Cross the bands and bend at the waist. You then reverse fly up, focusing on your back and deltoids. This one REALLY starts to burn!

Pistol Squat – Just like Autumn’s earlier move from the Chisel Balance workout, a one-leg squat with your other leg out in front of you. Go down in three motions, followed by 10 fast reps. I used 25 pound dumbbells. This one really starts to burn!!

Curl Face Down – Bicep curls lying across the ball extending in three motions.... followed by 10 fast reps. My arms are still on fire!! I used 12 pound dumbbells.

Calf Raises – Up & down holding weights! They recommend standing on the back of a bench so you can lower your calves more. I did mine directly on the floor and my husband did his on the steps. I used 10 pound dumbbells.

Tricep Kickback Twist – Bend at the waist, and kick your arms back and rotate them back forward into a bicep curl move. I used 10 pound dumbbells.

ISO Speed Hammer Review & Thoughts: 

I didn’t think this one was as difficult as the Hammer Plyo workout. It’s short and and out. This workout is only about 23 mins and by the time that you factor in the warm up and cool down, you only have to work for about 17-18 mins!  I used heavier weights this go around and really got a good workout in! I can still feel the burn!

It does feel great to get a full-body workout in – this one covers everything!

See you tomorrow for Hammer and Chisel - Day 45!

My Meal Plan for Today:

Hammer and Chisel Journey - Day 47: Hammer Conditioning

Day 47 - Hammer Conditioning

Some notes -This workout consists of compound moves with HEAVY weights. This is real weight lifting using multiple muscle groups at the same time including some balance moves! This workout is shorter, but don't be fooled by the length... it is very challenging! There are only 8 moves total, two moves per set, then repeat. Every move is 12 reps.  This feels like a cardio workout and is really also a great total body workout!

Please see my previous blog post Hammer and Chisel - Day 37 for a full description of the Hammer Conditioning Workout .

Set 1

Clock Push Up Crunch – This one is fun! It’s a push up at the 12:00 position, followed by tapping your right knee to your right elbow. Then rotate to 1:00, and do the same thing, all the way around the clock. Round 2 is the same thing, but going counterclockwise. 12 reps!

Side Lunge Row – A side lunge followed by a row. Round one is the left leg, and round 2 is the right leg. I used 12 pound dumbbells.

Set 2

Fly Lunge Twist – It’s a tricky move. You use a very light weight in your right hand. Stand up straight with your arms open and bring them together in front of you. Then, keeping your arms in front, do a reverse lunge with your right foot going back. At the bottom of the lunge, twist to your left across the forward leg. Stand up & repeat. Round 2 is the same move but the opposite direction & lunge. Major shoulder burner!! Sagi only uses an 8 pound weight for this... trust me! Use light weight!  I used a 5 pound weight and dropped to 3 pounds half-way through and was about to die by the end of 12 reps!  My husband started with an 8 pound weight and had to drop to 5 pounds mid-set.

Sumo Squat Press - This is a simple move and also a move that we have already performed in other workout within this program. Weights are at your shoulders with wide feet, and toes pointed outwards. You do a sumo squat, followed by a should press.  I used 15 pounds for the first set and then had to drop to 12 pounds for the second set because my shoulders were burning so much from the fly lunge twist!

Set 3

Burpee Renegade Upright Row  – This is my favorite move!  Very challenging compound move! Standing up with weights in hand, you drop to the ground and jump back to plank. Then you do a row on each arm (left & right). Jump forward again, stand up straight and do a row. I used 10 pound dumbbells.

Stiff Leg Deadlift Crunch – A balance move with an ab component - standing on one leg, you do a deadlift by pivoting down at your hip and letting your other leg float backward. On the way back up, you lift that back leg up to your chest in a standing crunch move. I used a 12 pound weight. Round 2 is the opposite side.

Set 4

Plank Raise Tap Crunch – A plank with the following moves – lift right arm forward, and back down. Lift right arm out to the side, and back down. Then bring your left foot up and tap it with your right hand. Round 2 is the opposite side.  This is VERY challenging to complete for 12 reps!!  It is very important to keep your bottom down while in the plank position to get the max benefit from this move.  Check out the following video for this move:

Reverse Lunge Curl Kickback – Here’s how this one works! Start with a reverse lunge on your right leg. Once you are in the lunge position, do a bicep curl. With the weights curled up, lean forward (still in the lunge position) and do a tricep kickback. Stand up & repeat. Round 2 is the opposite side. I used 10 pound dumbbells.

Hammer Conditioning Review & Thoughts:

This was Sagi’s Hammer workout that includes multiple compound moves within a single exercise. I love these kinds of moves because they are usually functional and engage your core. I definitely was winded at the end of this workout as the pace was very quick with very little rest between moves.  This one will definitely get your heart rate up even though it is not considered a cardio workout!  This is probably my husband's biggest complaint... he feels there should be more time to rest between moves because you are often pretty winded at the end of some of these compound moves! But, I think that Sagi's goal is to get your heart rate up and keep you there!!  Great total body workout!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Hammer and Chisel Journey - Day 24: Chisel Cardio

Day 24 - Chisel Cardio

This is an intense cardio workout from Autumn Calabrese! If you are used to 21 Day Fix and Fix Extreme workouts, then you may not have felt this to be so difficult. However, if you are not used to training with Autumn, then this workout is sure to BURN your BOOTY!!  

There are 2 rounds and each move is 60 seconds long.  You repeat each move to form the second round.

The moves are as follows:

Over the Top – This move has you going stepping up on a chair with both feet and then stepping down the other side. I performed this move with a chair as I do not have a bench.

Over the top

Pull Up – 60 seconds of pull ups! I used the resistance band attached to the door.

Modified pull ups

Dumbbell Swing – Hold on to a dumbbell and swing it UP and then back between your legs! I I really enjoyed this move!  

Figure 8 – This is an ab move. Sit in a C-position and you rotate a light dumbbell in a figure-8 pattern. I used a 12 pound weight.

Burpee – A normal burpee! Down, back, and jump UP! No weights!

Sword Pull (L / R) – This move was in 21 Day Fix Extreme. It’s a side lunge with a sword pull up on the step up, with a weight.

Sword pulls

Forearm Plank Kick – This is a plank move on your forearms. You need to keep your butt down and kick to each side. This one really burns!

Side Step Up Kick (L / R) – Similar to over the top, except you don’t go over the top. You keep one foot on the bench (or in my case, the fireplace) the entire time. Step up and KICK with that foot. It should be a slow & controlled movement! Also, you should be holding a weight for this one up at your chest. I used an 8 pound weight.  This one is really HARD to complete for the duration!

Side step up kick

Even by Day 24, This workout is still VERY challenging! By the end of the last move (10 reps on each side) for the second time, your legs truly feel like JELLO!! Even though this is considered a cardio workout, it really serves as more of a total body workout.  This workout is one of my favorites, but I also am a bit of a cardio junkie! 

See you tomorrow for Hammer and Chisel - Day 25!

Hammer and Chisel Journey - Day 43: Total Body Chisel

Day 43: Total Body Chisel

Sneak Peek of several moves

Please see my previous blog post Hammer and Chisel - Day 29 for a full description of this workout by Autumn Calabrese.  As usual, Autumn does not disappoint with this total body workout that is sure to get your heart pumping!

By Day 43, I can definitely feel that I much stronger.  I have significantly increased my weights used for each exercise:

Round 1
Squat (traditional) *I increased my weights to 25 pound dumbbells (from 20 pounds).

Bench Press (using the bench or stability ball) *I increased my weight to 25 pound dumbbells (and this was very challenging for me) from 15 pounds.

Reverse Grip Row *I increased from 10 pound dumbbells to 12 pounds.

*repeat round twice for a total of three times

Round 2
Lunge (R/L 10 each leg) *I increased from 20 pound dumbbells to 25 pounds.

Incline Fly (using the bench or ball at a 45 degree angle) *I increased from 12 pounds to 15 pound dumbbells.

Dumbbell Pullover (using the bench or ball) *I used 24 pounds total for this move (this was actually the same as before).

*repeat round twice for a total of three times

Round 3
Step Up Crossover Lunge (R/L 10 each leg using the flat bench or a step) *I used a 10 pound dumbbell. (this gets really difficult by the end and it is hard to maintain a heavy weight for the duration of this move. I used 8 pounds last time.)

Step up crossover lunge 

Incline Bicep Curl (using bench or ball at 45 degree angle) *I increased from 10 pound dumbbells to 12 pounds.

Tricep Bench Dip (using the bench or step) 
*repeat round twice for a total of three times

Whew!  I'm beat!  The Step up Crossover Lunges are very challenging!!  I was performing them on my fireplace which is set pretty high.  This workout is really true to its name in that it truly is a total body workout!  I really enjoyed it and felt challenged. Oh Man! I also had to do 10 min Ab Chisel after this!!

See you tomorrow for Hammer and Chisel - Day 44!

My Meal Plan for Today: 

Hammer and Chisel Journey - Day 29: Total Body Chisel

Day 29 - Total Body Chisel

This workout is a typical Autumn Calabrese style workout.  If you are a fan of 21 Day Fix and Fix Extreme workouts, then you will feel right at home for this workout!  For this workout you will need moderate to heavy dumbbells depending on your ability.  I used between 12 - 25 pound dumbbells (an increase from the last time that I did this workout on Day 19).  You will also need a bench if you have one available.  If you don’t have a bench you can use an exercise ball and steps, fireplace, or chair (or do the modifications shown in the workout).

This workout is roughly 36 minutes in length. The setup is 3 circuits of 3 moves within each circuit with 10 repetitions. You repeat each move three times to complete one circuit!  That is a lot of repetition! She gives you a small rest break between circuits.  You are not performing a ton of reps, so you are expected to use a weight that is "heavy" for you.  Autumn really keeps you moving and speaks to form and safety all throughout the routine.  She gives you reassurance as to "where you should be feeling it" and thoroughly explains how to do each move.

Bench press on stability ball

Round 1
Squat (traditional)
Bench Press (using the bench or stability ball)
Reverse Grip Row 
*repeat round twice for a total of three times

Reverse grip rows

                                                        Incline flys

Round 2
Lunge (R/L 10 each leg)
Incline Fly (using the bench or ball at a 45 degree angle) 
Dumbbell Pullover (using the bench or ball)
*repeat round twice for a total of three times

Dumbbell pullovers

                                                    Incline bicep curls
Round 3
Step Up Crossover Lunge (R/L 10 each leg using the flat bench or a step) 
Incline Bicep Curl (using bench or ball at 45 degree angle) 
Tricep Bench Dip (using the bench or step) 
*repeat round twice for a total of three times

Tricep dips

Whew!  I'm beat!  The Step up Crossover Lunges are very challenging!!  I was performing them on my fireplace which is set pretty high.  This workout is really true to its name in that it truly is a total body workout!  I really enjoyed it and felt challenged. Oh My! I also had to do 10 min Ab Chisel after this!!

See you tomorrow for Hammer and Chisel - Day 30!

My Meal Plan for today:

Hammer and Chisel Journey - Day 19: Total Body Chisel

Day 19: Total Body Chisel

This workout is a typical Autumn Calabrese style workout.  If you are a fan of 21 Day Fix and Fix Extreme workouts, then you will feel right at home for this workout!  For this workout you will need moderate to heavy dumbbells depending on your ability.  I used between 10 - 20 pound dumbbells.  You will also need a bench if you have one available.  If you don’t have a bench you can use an exercise ball and steps, fireplace, or chair (or do the modifications shown in the workout).

This workout is roughly 36 minutes in length. The setup is 3 circuits of 3 moves within each circuit with 10 repetitions. You repeat each move three times to complete one circuit!  That is a lot of repetition! She gives you a small rest break between circuits.  You are not performing a ton of reps, so you are expected to use a weight that is "heavy" for you.  Autumn really keeps you moving and speaks to form and safety all throughout the routine.  She gives you reassurance as to "where you should be feeling it" and thoroughly explains how to do each move.

Round 1
Squat (traditional)
Bench Press (using the bench or stability ball)
Reverse Grip Row 
*repeat round twice for a total of three times

Round 2
Lunge (R/L 10 each leg)
Incline Fly (using the bench or ball at a 45 degree angle)
Dumbbell Pullover (using the bench or ball)
*repeat round twice for a total of three times
Round 3
Step Up Crossover Lunge (R/L 10 each leg using the flat bench or a step) 
Incline Bicep Curl (using the bench or ball at a 45 degree angle)
Tricep Bench Dip (using the bench or step) 
*repeat round twice for a total of three times

Whew!  I'm beat!  The Step up Crossover Lunges are very challenging!!  I was performing them on my fireplace which is set pretty high.  This workout is really true to its name in that it truly is a total body workout!  I really enjoyed it and felt challenged.  Please see my related blog Hammer and Chisel - Day 29 for video clips of the various moves within this workout.  Sorry!  By the time that I got to Day 29, I was smart enough to take some video clips!!  

See you tomorrow for Hammer and Chisel - Day 20.

Hammer and Chisel Journey - Day 40: Hammer Power

Day 40: Hammer Power

exercise, fitness, hammer and chisel, recipe, meal plan, hammer power, weightlifting,

I feel as though as I have stepped into the middle of a "clean nightmare"..... Just kidding!  Seriously though, this workout really incorporates A LOT of cleans!  Each moves builds on top of the next move with the clean being the building block move of this workout.  All this being said, it really is a very effective workout that includes some great heavy power lifting.  I will just trust Sagi in the order in which he has placed these workouts because we have done Hammer Power a lot and often lately!  I was able to go up on the weights some this time on moves that did not require a press.  When a press was required, I maxed out at 15 pound dumbbells and used 25 pound dumbbells for moves without press involvement.  This is a nice improvement for me!  I can tell that I am getting much, much stronger!  

Please see Hammer and Chisel Journey - Day 28 and Hammer and Chisel Journey - Day 30 for a more descriptive account of this workout and featured video clips of many of the workout moves.  

Hammer and Chisel Journey - Day 12: Hammer Power

Day 12: Hammer Power

Hammer Power is very unique workout for a Beachbody program. This is the first power-lifting workout I have seen from Beachbody. Sagi takes you through a number of power moves that bring a new approach to the program.

This workout is about 30 minutes long and focuses on teaching you how to do a proper Clean/Squat/Lift or Jerk move. It starts with basic moves and builds upon each move until the end. Most of the moves are 10 reps with a light weight and then 5 reps with medium to heavy weight. You will need dumbbells for this workout. The workout really focuses on your legs and shoulders, and lower back. You will do thousands of cleans by the time that you reach the end.... lol.

The moves include:

* Overhead presses
* Squats
* Thrusters
* Jerk Presses
* Deadlifts
* Shrugs
* Upright rows
* Cleans
* Clean & Presses
* Clean & Squats
* Clean/squat/presses
* Clean/squat/jerks
* 1 arm squat press
* 1 arm squat jerks

This is a bunch of moves, but they move pretty quickly. It will really get your heart pumping as you are using your legs and doing full body moves.

Please see my related blog Hammer and Chisel - Day 28 to see video clips of these moves.  Sorry... I was much more prepared and technologically savvy by day 28 to film short video clips!

Hammer and Chisel Journey - Day 30: Hammer Power

Day 30: Hammer Power

exercise, hammer and chisel, mealplan, recipe, workout, fitness, workout review, hammer power

For a full description of this workout to include video clips of the exercises, please go to my previous blog post Hammer and Chisel Journey - Day 28.

Today's workout was particularly difficult today given that we just did this same workout only 2 days ago!! My lower back is still super sore as well as my quads and shoulders!  Honestly, I really don't know how I got through this one again today!  But, somehow I managed!  I did increase my weights for most of the moves 2 days ago when I completed this workout compared to the last time that I performed it on Day 12. However, I did not increase my weights today compared to two days ago... I used the same weight! (At least I did it!) They say that the order of the workouts is important and that the trainers put them in the order of their choosing for a reason.... so, I will just have to trust Autumn and Sagi on this one!

This is a video clip containing moves from the Total Body Chisel Workout as well as this Hammer Power workout.  Enjoy a sneak peek!

This is a clip of another move performed during the workout... 

Dead lift/upright rows (on the toes)

My Meal Plan for today:

Sample Day
Container Tally
Chocolate Shakeology (red)
Mixed w/peanut butter (1 tsp)
and ½ bananna (purple)
1 red
1 tsp
Sauteed mushrooms, onions, and squash (1 green)
Left over turkey burger patty (red)
with swiss cheese (blue)
brown rice (yellow)
1 green
1 yellow
Nonfat Greek Yogurt (red)
Mixed w/ fresh sliced strawberries (purple)
almonds (orange)
Baked Salmon (red)
Steamed broccoli (1 green)
Sauteed Spinach
brown rice (yellow)
cooked in extra virgin olive oil
4 red
2 green
3 green
2 tsp