
Saturday, March 5, 2016

About Me


I am married to a wonderful and supportive husband and I have 6 children... twins (boy/girl) that are 12yo, a 4yo daughter, and three step daughters that are 17yo, 15yo, and 12yo.  We have a big household and we have a lot of fun! There is always something going on!!  As you can see, we have blended family and we have a bit of "mine", "his", and "ours" going on..... and I couldn't be happier!!  I work full-time as a pharmacist at a small psychiatric hospital that services adolescent patients.  I have always had a passion for science and how the body works, so pharmacy was a good major for me.  I have since found that I really enjoy reading and learning about nutrition, metabolism, exercise physiology, etc.  I guess I am kind of a nerd in this sense, lol.  I am a christian and my faith in God defines my perspective on many things as well as give me the faith and courage to tackle the hard tasks!  I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, doing anything outdoors, exercise/fitness, playing softball, spending time at the beach, and shopping, of course!! 

My Transformation Story

I have always been a person that enjoys exercise and being physically active and for the most part, have always been a fairly healthy eater. In January of 2005, I gave birth to twins after carrying them to term. I gained 50 pounds with that pregnancy and it took me about 2 ½ years to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. It was very difficult, but with the help of Turbo Jam and Billy Blanks Tae BO… I finally did it! After giving birth to a third child in 2011, I found myself having to fight this difficult battle again (but this time I would be in my 40’s versus being in my 30’s!) To add insult to injury, I was involved in a boating accident that resulted in a torn ACL and LCL in my right knee. This injury completely halted my workout efforts for better than a year. By the time that I was finished with physical therapy for my knee and was able to start back on my weight loss journey, I had about 25-30 pounds to lose. As soon as the doctor gave me the “OK” to exercise hard and jump, I began (again) my journey to regain my health with the Insanity program. I followed both the diet and exercise plan to a tee for 60 days. At the end of the program, I had definitely gotten stronger and regained my cardiovascular endurance, however I had only lost a couple of pounds. Feeling very frustrated and defeated, I decided to try Shawn T’s T25 program. I followed this exercise program for 120 days. I liked the fact that I could get the work outs done in only 30 mins and still felt as “worked” as I did when I was doing Insanity. I lost about 7 pounds total with this program. In hindsight, I believe that it was because this program does not allow you to eat as much food as Insanity allowed. I was starting to tell a difference in the way that my clothes were fitting, but I still had a long way to go! 

Then, I discovered the 21 Day Fix Program. This program has been a life-saver for me! In just 21 days, I lost 8 pounds!!! I couldn’t believe my results! This program really taught me some things about portion control and well balanced eating! I thought that I already had a grasp on portion control until I received the containers in the mail! I learned that even if it is healthy foods that we are over consuming (like vegetables, beans, and healthy fats), this will stall our weight loss results. After two rounds of 21 Day Fix and one round of 21 Day Fix Extreme, I have lost 25 pounds in about 3 months time! I believe that the incorporation of weight training with these programs is the catalyst that has pushed me out of this plateau finally and revved up my metabolism allowing me to achieve significant and fast results! I should also add that I have been drinking Shakeology for about a year now… and I fully believe that it is the Shakeology that has given me the energy to complete these programs. More importantly, since November of last year, I have lowered my total cholesterol from 171 to 156 and my LDL or “bad” cholesterol from 103 to 88. I attribute these remarkable results to the superfood nutrition contained in Shakeology! So, this journey is not just about the number on the scale, but about an improvement in overall health and well-being! 

It is important to note that I am a poor historian, so I did not take any "official" before/after pics or measurements…. But, I sure wish that I would have! I know that I have lost inches all over my body because of how loosely my clothes are now fitting. Take it from me, document your success with pictures and take your measurements! You will be glad that you did! I have been a long-time customer of Beachbody products and have loved every program with which I have participated. I believe in the Beachbody products… so much so, that I decided to take another leap of faith and become a Beachbody coach! I look forward to sharing my experiences, triumphs, and challenges to help others reach their goals! If I can do this… anyone can! I know what it feels like to be depressed about weight and body image issues and I also know what it feels like to overcome those challenges! 

Even though I am a pharmacist, I feel that I have finally found my passion in life and my God-given purpose now that I have become a coach.  I really LOVE trying to help people achieve their fitness and weight loss goals.  I really LOVE learning about nutrition, weight loss, and clean eating.  I have learned so much and I love sharing it with others to help them change their lives for the better!  So, let's do this... let's do this TOGETHER!!

Join my next challenge group and change your life too! I would love to hear from you and get to know you better. Send me a friend request on Facebook and let's connect!

Would you like to learn more about Shakeology?

Do you want to join my next FREE fun fitness and clean eating group?  Just fill out the below form:

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