
Saturday, February 6, 2016

My Journey with Hammer and Chisel - An Overview (Necessary Equipment)

I am going to chronicle my experience with Beachbody's latest and greatest.... The Master's Hammer and Chisel program. Let me preface this by saying that I have already completed three rounds of 21DayFix and I absolutely love the program and Autumn Calabrese.  I actually completed one round of 21DayFix followed by two rounds of 21DayFix Extreme. I lost about 25 pounds using these programs and I would still like to lose another 10 pounds to reach my final goal. I also strive to build muscle and tone my upper body.  I am pretty weak when it comes to upper body strength and I really can not even do ten push ups without having to go down on my knees.  Oh, and of course I want abs like Autumn's!! Don't we all?!

I convinced my sweet hubby to join me on this Hammer and Chisel journey after a pretty significant amount of nagging (wink,nudge), so I will keep you posted on his progress as well.  We began on January 8th, 2015. We diligently took our before and after pics and weighed in like giddy children on Christmas Eve. We were ready!!  We had our equipment... a stability ball for each of us, dumbbells, and resistance bands.  My husband uses adjustable dumbbells (power blocks purchased from Dick's)  and I have 5, 8,10, and 12 pound dumbbells. My plan is to continue using the same nutrition plan and container count that I utilized during all the rounds of the Fix.  

Equipment Needed:  

  • Dumbbells (light and heavy)
  • Workout bench OR Stability ball
  • Chin up bar OR Resistance band with door attachment
  • Resistance Band

Recommended : 

  • Yoga Mat
  • Power Blocks adjustable weights

Can a beginner do this Program??

Yes, a beginner CAN do this program too!  Needless to say, you would start with lighter weights and work your way up to heavier weights.  Autumn and Sagi always provide modifications for almost every move, so there will always be a level for you to choose.  AND, if it is a difficult move... you go at YOUR pace (not theirs) for as long as YOU can go!  If that is only 15 seconds, then that is OK! Maybe next time, you will be able to go 20 seconds!  But, you have to start somewhere! And you have to  be willing to take that first step!

I would LOVE to be your coach and help you with this journey if you decide to take the plunge! If you can commit 30-40 mins per day for 60 days, then I PROMISE that I will commit to being there for you every day of that 60 days! 

What can I offer you by being your coach??  

  • Support, accountability, and motivation to stick to your goals
  • Mealplans, recipes, healthy snack ideas and other healthy eating tips
  • Healthy lifestyle tips
  • Fitness tips and other tricks that will kick your results up a knotch!

You are not alone in this!  I know what it is like to be unhappy with your body and your current self and what it takes to make a transformation from the inside out. Let me be your cheerleader! You can check out my transformation story here to learn more about me and my own fitness journey.

Fill out the form below and I will get you plugged into an accountability group and I can get you set up with your program. Let's do this together!!


Other Related posts : Hammer and Chisel - Nutrition, H&C Frequently Asked Questions

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Want to get chiseled with ME?? Just fill out the below form and let's get started!!

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